The VERNITES collection offers water-based Basecoats and Topcoats specifically crafted for outdoor applications, combining decorative elements with protective qualities. These products are formulated to penetrate the surface and shield the wood fibres effectively.
Consisting of proven ingredients that shield the wood from fungi, moulds, bacteria, and wood-boring insects; colourants that deflect sunlight; and inhibitors that fend off harm from tannins, oils, and resins.
Additionally, we provide options with reduced viscosity or thixotropic characteristics to facilitate application and achieve smoother finishes.
Our range of Topcoats designed for outdoor use offer the same protective qualities and are available in different Gloss levels, Viscosities, Colours, and Transparent choices.
It is crucial to use the appropriate base for each type of wood in order to achieve the optimal effect and level of protection, so discuss your requirements with us and we will ensure that you have everything you need.
For Opaque Finishes take a look at;
WET885 Opaque Topcoat - Eco VerniLack Bianco White in 30% - 100% Sheen levels
For Translucent Finishes you need to see;
WET885 Translucent Topcoat - Eco Vernitix in 30% - 100% Sheen levels
Contact us if you would like a trial, or perhaps to see your joinery product sprayed up in the Vernites coatings of your choice.